
Page 3 of Asia and Africa, Events for the year 2022 in the 333 Events Schedule

VICTAM Asia 2022VICTAM Asia 20227Sep20222022-09-079Sep20222022-09-09BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand Google
Vietstock Expo and Forum 2022Vietstock Expo and Forum 202212Oct20222022-10-1214Oct20222022-10-14Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Google
26th Pinoy Pork Challenge26th Pinoy Pork Challenge13Oct20222022-10-1315Oct20222022-10-15Online, Philippines Google
Animal Health Innovation Asia 2022Animal Health Innovation Asia 202218Oct20222022-10-1819Oct20222022-10-19Bangkok, Thailand Google
Aviana Uganda 2022Aviana Uganda 202228Oct20222022-10-2829Oct20222022-10-29UMA Show grounds, Lugogo, Kampala, Uganda Google
Leman China Swine Conference 2022Leman China Swine Conference 20226Nov20222022-11-068Nov20222022-11-08Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center, China Google